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Embark on the ultimate monster-catching adventure in Hentaimon! Discover a vast and unexplored world filled with unique monster girls, each waiting to be discovered. Unravel the hidden mysteries within forgotten lands and form special bonds with your companions. With engaging gameplay mechanics, special interactions, and a cast of captivating characters, Hentaimon is your gateway to an unforgettable journey where friendship and strategy meet. Are you ready to capture, train, and battle alongside your allies and unveil the world’s secrets together?

Prepare to be immersed in a realm where every monster girl you encounter offers a new piece of joy. Will you unravel the secret behind their power? Can you harness their powers and restore harmony to the world? Your adventure awaits – a world of wonder and intrigue is just waiting to be discovered.

0.6 Patch Notes

  • Added the "Sneakers" Quest(in Alibina Town)
  • Added 1 new map(Route 3) 
  • Added Mom visuals 
  • Added an NPC that sells affinity items in Alibina(for the time being) 
  • Added new items in the shop besides Mimetyr Cave 
  • Added unlimited time for the Pixel art Hentai Scenes(HOLD Z/CONFIRM to leave the scene) 
  • Added an NPC that sells affinity items(Alibina Town)(FOR THE TIME BEING) 
  • Added new Hentai Scenes: Flogge Hentai Scene 1 ; Floppa Hentai Scene 1 ; Ukisa Hentai Scene 1 ; Ukiki Hentai Scene 1 ; Pixxaz Hentai Scene 1 ; Gramm Hentai Scene 1 ; Faepih Hentai Scene 1 ; Phlita Hentai Scene 1 ; Ploom Hentai Scene 1 ; Beedra Hentai Scene 1 ; Aerih Hentai Scene 3 ; Kunim Hentai Scene 2 ; Flogge Hentai Scene 2 ; Ukisa Hentai Scene 2 ;
  • Fixed a bug where the lights won't turn on when you had Flash at lvl 10 
  • Fixed a bug where there were some invisible walls in the Nirium Maze 
  • Fixed a bug where Beesa was giving Phlita when evolved 
  • Fixed a bug where Photan was giving Beedra when evolved 
  • Fixed a bug where Heera would take 3 of the selected item when giving her the right gift 
  • Fixed a bug where Repel auto re-use was not working properly

Known Issues(searching for solutions): 

There's a lag whenever you load your game, from the menu or from the game over screen 
Sometimes, the Animation will freeze the whole game with no reason(usgin the built-in play movie from rpg maker for now)

 Explore the world to encounter all different types of Hentaimon! Each one of them have their own abillities, traits, interests, personal quest and much more.  For now we just have a few of them unlocked, but as the development progresses more and more Hentaimons will be added to the roster!

There will be lots and lots of hentai from each Hentaimon. Pixel art, Digital Art, Animated Scenes, Text Scenes are some of the types that will be included in Hentaimon!

Not only that, but each Hentaimon have their own evolution line, and with that, they have hentai scenes for each evolution, making it more and more compelling to invest in your favorite partner.

This game will be distributed on a free basis for now, but if you support us you will get bonuses and benefits, and you can influence the future content. All investments will be used to improve the project.

This is the first version of this game. The content is still being developed from all sides. We have lots and lots of ideas to put in the game.

We started a Patreon with the intent to produce Hentaimon with the help of everyone that loves monster girls. If you want to help us to develop this game you can join there.

Also, we have our social media, feel free to check it all: TikTok X Instagram


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Hentaimon_0.6.zip 796 MB


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A post on Patreon claims that the 0.7 release is now public, is this not correct?

You can find the newest version on the author's page, posted separately

(3 edits)

Just to clarify, is there no ntr here?

any walkthrough guide or cheatcodes?

is mac albe to download this game?

After downloading the 0.6 version and extracting the files, there wasn't anything in the file, other than the main file itself, that said Hentaimon. The game in the file was called "Little Soul" and when opening the game, it stayed as a black screen for 17 minutes before I gave up. I tried downloading Hentaimon again but it just did the same thing. What should I do?

(1 edit)

Hello, I have a problem with the game. 

Whether in the menu or in the game, I encounter the error Loading Error, Loading Failed: audio/se/Save.ogg after each save, so for the game to work normally I have to quit the game and restart it each time.

 Do you have a solution?

(4 edits) (+3)


Hello, here is my feedback for v0.6

Sorry in advance for this long post and the bad english. [no my native language]

1) bugs damage calcule

Gramm's Fury Swipes , Phlita's Vine Flurry and Heera's Thorn Flurry don't take de stats player for damage calcule. The damage is based on base, not stats boosted.

Edit : I tested Pock's Ironskin, also bugged. 0 reduction.

2)  Spell balancing

The spells with multi hit is the better spells possible. Is it intentional ?

The calculation of dmg seems to be like this :

(dmg spell + stats.player - def.target) * [+-15/20% dmg]

A simple calculation, i take lv.6 of spells with my stats M.atk without the target def and RNG dmg.

Floppa's Water cannon : 60 + 24 [M.atk] = 84 dmg

Beedra's Whirlwind : 6x (8 + 24)  = ~192 dmg [multi hit is affected strongly with RNG dmg : with 20% RNG dmg you get this : ~153 to ~230]

Tested on Pixxa and Goma lv.1 next the start town for low reduct dmg and the dmg is exacte with RNG +-15/20% dmg

The poison is very strong. It takes 20% of HP. And with a stun or other control/sustain you do everything. The poison is great for supporting dmg but here is very strong.

With 5% it take 20 turn but is a support of dmg or limited the DoT at 3 turn max. [ha but the spaming poison is possible. Maybe 10%hp ?]

Edit : Or with un DoT based a dmg base and stats player ? It's pretty fair, no ?

3) For the futur...

I see the Neutral type is physical dmg and water, fire, natural, wind are magical dmg. Can we have some information if the spell is physical or magical in the future?

The slot with the "nothing" place is for a Hentaimon or un item in the futur ? I thought of a mechanic with a Hentaimon to boost the player's stats. One stats : speed, def, atk, ... A follower Hentaimon with a good affinity maybe...

The legendary Heera is quite mediocre with only 1 spell : Thorn Flurry (also with bug). A quest for her to get more spell in the futur ?

Galga and Buzzazzy have only one spell, a quest for more spell too ?

They say they have no evolution but Etona, Pock and Lansir specify that it is in this build.

This is the end of my feedback and questions. Thank you for reading.

I really enjoyed the game. The story seems interesting for the beginning of the game and I had fun testing everything based on my questions.

I wish you good luck and inspiration for the rest of your game. I can't wait to see what it will become.

Really, Thank you !

As a number-cruncher myself, I appreciate this feedback to the dev. Looking forward to your future other analysis in other games :)

Just asking, is it needed an emulator or turn the file into APK (for mobile)

Cómo puedo aumentar los fps casi no me puedo mover (juego en celular)

Played what I could and... while VERY unpolished, it does have some interesting concepts I do like. Like turning the battle mechanic on its head by having you be the one fighting via the abilities they lend you, on top of the stat buffs it grants you when bonded. It definitely incentivizes capturing them... on top of the affection and lewds.


When will breed be added?

(1 edit)

Need more of these lewd pokemon-esque games.
Real questions though...
Anal and group scenes? Hope so.


Definitely looks interesting though.

what does kunimi like

im playing on 0.6 but i dont see the new biomes

no windows downloa

Great game, anyone knows which hentaimon gives the move boulder bash to break the rock in the starter city, I'm stuck in this part


Bro why is the fps on 10-20 I can barley move aroun

- Mobile Tutorial -



Why everytime i close the game my save file dissapears?

If you run the game as an administrator (right-click game > run as administrator), it will save.

If you don't want to do that every time you can (right-click > properties > compatibility), check the 'Run as administrator' checkbox, and apply the changes.

Is this for mac or pc?

Seems like a weird decision to force the player to reset back to their last save after losing a battle. Its very punishing and doesn't seem fitting for a game like this.

Is there any plans as of now to make an android version?

does anyone knows the place where ukison hides for her evolution quest? im having some trouble finding her

she's in the rightmost room at the inn in the first town

do you mean where all the mons are

Ah I see the confusion, the second town technically I guess. The inn


(2 edits)

Brilliant update, thanks for all the good work! I'm having some trouble locating the cave with the toy for Buzzazzy's evolution quest. Could you share some hints on where it is?

Nevermind, I found it! For those who are curious, it's in Mimetyr Cave, next to the "backpack girl".

Hello, i found out the version in steam is just 0.1, can you update the version at the steam also? Thank you


I somehow got a bug.

When i evolve a hentaimon while i have it equiped it is doubled in my inventory.

Is that something already known or really just a Bug?

Can a previous version's save be brought over to the new version?

well there be a linux version?

Hello, I wanted to know if a French version subtitles was planned ?

Thank you

In the future, yes

Great, I'll wait for the French release on Steam to buy it. 

Thank you for your response

It's Android compatible


(2 edits)


well technically… yes and no…

Yes: Because the game is made in RPG Maker MV and there is a (most likely discontinued at this point) emulator app for Android that allows you to play RPG Maker MV & MZ games made for Windows PC on your Android device. Its called “JoiPlay” and it was recently taken off the Google Play store by its devs and I’m pretty sure they’re now distributing the app on their official website (if at all anymore) as an Android APK file.

No: Pinky already said on their Discord server and on the previous builds’ comments that it won’t have Android support but more than that, EXE files aren’t designed to run on Android devices… best option at the moment, try and find the JoiPlay RPG Maker game emulator app I mentioned in the “Yes” section above this “No” section. That’s assuming the JoiPlay app’s devs are still making it available for download via their official website…

Yeah joiplay is still going strong, got quite a few plugins for it nowadays for all types of game files. I play this on my driod through joiplay.


Icon does not show for me... :(

(1 edit) (+1)

What icon?

the project icon, that shows, when someone search after a game, or looks in the "feed" section, they have, where all updates for games and projects show up.

It could be a bug from itch.io, that this 1:1 pic not showed up for me...